About Engage East Noble


We are a group of like-minded parents and citizens who came together to work collectively after other approaches failed to produce meaningful results over the course of several years.   You can find what we have been asking for on the page entitled “Goals for Positive Change”.  

Approaches taken have included personal one on one meetings, phone calls, texts and emails with the board and the superintendent.  There has been no shortage of effort from a diverse set of people to come to agreements through tactful and positive ways.  There was also no scarcity of patience to provide adequate time and grace.

We remain open to positively working together, but talk is easy.  Outcomes are what is the most important.


It is far more accurate and appropriate to identify Engage East Noble by its official goals, priorities, and positions.  

  1. Our official goals and positions and approach are articulated & demonstrated on this website, albeit sometimes imperfectly.  
  2. Participation in the Engage East Noble public Facebook page is just that, public.  Some posts, and certainly many comments, do not necessarily align with our desired approach, goals or principles.   
  3. Public speakers at board meetings are also speaking for themselves and reflect their own approach and priorities.
  4. There are people who claim to be with Engage East Noble, but there is no official list of who is and who isn’t.  As is said above, it’s not a question of “who”, but principles and goals.

Avoid the bigotry of over-generalization which comes from attributing guilt by association.   That is very unkind and unfair to each individual.  It is no better than blaming an entire <name a protected people-group> for the actions of a few.

Be assured that Engage isn’t going to go away because of the bigotry of overgeneralization and guilt by association.  Such bigotry will only place more quarters in the machine and keep it going.


Set an example of maturity in leadership…

  • Look past tone and approach, and consider the merits of what is said.
  • Treat your constituents as individuals, and don’t disregard them because of your perceptions of others.
  • Consider principles, goals and ideas on their own merit – regardless who or where they come from, and what you think about the source.


  • Communication
    • Focus on priorities and goals, and not petty differences or people.
    • Be respectful in disagreement.  Don’t make it personal.  That is not to say that you have to leave a passion at the door.  
    • Get off the keyboard and call people, or meet with them individually. Meet with other parents and citizens, both the likeminded and those with different perspectives. When feasible, also ask to meet with board members and the superintendent.
    • Faith/Christianity is valid in public discourse, but don’t wield it as an ungraceful weapon that disrespects & disregards the Gospel.
  • Effectiveness
    • It cannot hurt to ask – If you ask for a little then you should expect little.  
    • Maintain pressure & energy – Take steps to destroy apathy and energize citizens to get involved.  Avoid taking approaches that would encourage apathy, and decrease pressure for positive change.
    • Engage in healthy conflict – avoiding issues and having a false sense of peace and unity just kicks the can down the road, resolves little, and reduces pressure and energy.


We will continue to point the “camera lens” on the critical gaps that need to be addressed at East Noble Schools.   Unfortunately some attempt to blame the “lights & camera” shining on the issues, rather than the leaders responsible for the gaps, failures, and divisions.  

It is critically important to keep the focus on principles and policies even when some attempt to distract and filibuster.  When someone cannot successfully argue intellectually and maturely, they often resort to the strategies below.

Train your mind to recognize these distractions:

  • An unbalanced focus on tone & approach as a means to drown out a valid message
  • Making unsubstantiated claims about “hate”
  • Accusations of expecting perfection
  • Seeking to make it about people, identity, play for sympathy, or virtue signaling
  • Finding guilt by association, and failing to treat people as unique individuals
  • “Jedi mind tricks” – you may be accused of being divisive for taking a stand to protect kids, but it is those who wish to teach children a culture of self-destruction who are truly divisive.  Don’t let the accusation cause you to back down.

Those behaviors demonstrate an insincerity to work together to unify the community through authentic problem solving.  It is those attacking voices which are divisive.  They rarely bring substantive ideas.    Don’t permit them to redefine “good” as bad, and “bad” as good.


Faith is not an expectation to participate with Engage. However, many of us do believe is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For those who do believe, we urge you to pray for us because this is very much a spiritual war for the children of East Noble.