Our Position & a proposed solution
- Are illegal for use in K-12 education per Indiana code – in the classroom, in curriculum, in mobile libraries, and in both traditional & online digital libraries.
- Are unnecessary for use in K-12 education – it is a lie that it is necessary to get the students to read and that it makes them better adults.
- Lead to a culture of self-destruction; They encourage behaviors that lead to a cycle of broken families, diseases, abortions, sexual abuse, poor mental health, and an unhealthy focus on physical appearance.
- The governance of education materials for age appropriateness and fit for education is a practice that is as old as time and it still occurs even now.
- Claiming that the reasonable governance of educational materials is the equivalent to a “book ban” is a lie. Write the book, print the book, publish the book, sell the book – no one here is advocating to take those rights away.
- Students do not have unfettered access to the Internet at school, yet no one is complaining that the Internet is censored or banned.
- The obscenities contained in curriculum materials and library books at East Noble Schools were censored by a local newspaper, and a Fort Wayne TV station also refused to air them presumably due to concerns over FCC violations.
- There is evidence to suggest that it’s actually some professional educators, teachers’ unions, administrators, and librarians who are keeping books written by Conservative-leaning people out of K-12 education – effectively banning books while accusing others of what is their own agenda. (The Truth About Banned Books)
The board’s current approach requires nothing from disengaged parents or from those who have no problems with their students being exposed to harmful materials. But parents who wish to protect their students EACH have all the work!!- Learn how to find and use online book catalogs
- Spend hours searching the book catalog, and then considering a wide range of internet opinions
- Call the school to opt-out – all the while the book remains available in the library for their child to read (but not check out)
- Doomed to repeat what other parents may have already done – over and over again
- Then, if they wish to influence what is in the curriculum, classroom, or the library…
- They have to read every book cover to cover or be shamed and discredited by the board for raising concerns about obscene content if they did not.
- They have to understand Indiana Law to see if their concerns are worth the time.
- Then they end up discouraged to find out that most things will be left in the school because “as a whole” they are not obscene enough
We propose that the current East Noble school policy and relevant Indiana Laws be replaced with an approach that could look like this…
- DEFAULT OPT-OUT – If a parent has not provided explicit informed consent to allow their K-12 student to be exposed to obscene materials then by default they opt-out. The passive choice must be the safest choice!
- WRITTEN APPROVAL – Any materials containing obscene or harmful content for minors require the parent’s written signature approval before their student is exposed to it.
- LIST THE OBSCENE & HARMFUL QUOTES – The consent form must list out all quotes that individually are considered obscene or harmful to minors as defined in Indiana Law.
- OBSCENE MATERIALS COST – Materials containing obscene or harmful content for minors must be paid for by the parent desiring their student to read it, and not saddle others with the tax burden.
- BENEFITS – This approach bans no books, requires no complaint process, it removes the burden from parents who do not wish for their student to be exposed to obscene materials, and it forces no one’s view on another. This is very cheap to administer provided that the school simply keeps obscene materials out of K-12 libraries and classrooms.
Until such a policy is in place, Engage will continue to work within existing laws and policies that allow books to be objected to, appealed, and removed. If you don’t want to “ban books”, then support “Default Opt-Out”.
Far Left Democrats have regularly expressed the following positions when making public comments and offered ZERO solutions.
Several of these talking points have also been heard from Superintendent Teresa Gremaux and some board members, such as Doug Jensen.
- Anything short of including all sexual content in K-12 education is equivalent to “book banning”. Despite having dozens of opportunities for months, they have not expressed any reasonable limit on sexual content in K-12 education.
- Blind Trust of All Educators – They claim that professional educators are the final authorities, and as experts, they know what is best for your student. In doing so, they assert that every educator is a perfect moral example, always tells the truth, never has a personal agenda, always represents your values, and is never politically influenced. {see the member-only content on the behaviors of educators around the state – and assess this for yourself}
- What’s Good for Netflix – Board members have said that if a student can watch it at home on the Internet then it’s beneficial for K-12 education.
- Obscenity Makes Students Better People – They have begun to claim that obscene & harmful content makes students better people.
- Obscenity Required For Better Academic Outcomes – harmful content is necessary to make the content interesting so that students will read it and get better test scores for the district.
- You Can’t Object Unless… – They claim that you have no right to object if you have not read the entire book yourself. DON’T FALL FOR THIS! They expect good parents to tie up their time to re-re-re-read books that have already been thoroughly read by other parents and analyzed by trusted organizations!! Yet they haven’t read it either but were influenced to defend the book through their social networks, unions, or sympathetic sources. Don’t let them successfully manipulate you through guilt and shame and weaponize your conscientiousness & honesty against you. It is quite unnecessary to repeat the good work others have already done!
- Unfounded Fears of Christian Indoctrination – They claim that Christians want to force their beliefs on all students in the district (while hoping that you don’t recognize that it is the Left that is forcing their preferred obscenities and values into K-12 education, using tax-payer funds to do so).
- Hateful Comparisons to Nazis – Those who advocate for reasonable limits on obscene materials as said to be “Hitler supporters”, or “Nazis”. If this is what they say, and what they believe, then clearly they may be 1 step away from violence.
- Irrational Fears of Political Extremism – Others claim that this is “right-wing extremism”, or “a secret republican cabal”, or “anti-Constitutional” for simply wanting reasonable governance of obscene materials.
- Harmful Religious Persecution – some have expressed that they don’t want Christians in this community and that they should leave.
- Delighted With Board & Committee Decisions – They repeatedly show support for the board’s decisions to keep obscene materials in East Noble schools, and for the 2023 Transgender Policy.
These positions can be found in the recordings of public comments at past East Noble school board meetings on our YouTube channel, in the public opinion pages of the local newspaper, on their noble county political websites, within comments made on the Engage East Noble public Facebook group, or within their own Facebook groups.
♦️ There is more information about the positions and patterns of board members and the superintendent on our members-only site.
EXAMPLES OF OBSCENE CONTENT (obscene content warning)
Below is a SHORT list of quotes from curriculum materials or library books at East Noble schools.
As of 1/28/2024 none of this material is known to have been removed.
- Parents are given no informed consent for their students to be exposed to such obscenity. Instead, they are left to accidentally discover it for themselves – often after the fact.
QUOTE #1: “…In the heat of the moment, I even got hard, especially when Janet touched me, dropped onto her knees, lowered my zipper, started to do what I never suspected she knew how to do. “ – Tricks
QUOTE #2 – Girl: “He groped me! And he’s wanking off”. Mom:”…sexual assault was a crime of perception. If you don’t think you’re hurt, then you aren’t.” – The Glass Castle
>> EN decided to keep this in the library and provide parents with no informed consent. By default, your student is opted in and has access to this book with potentially no opportunity for an adult to explain the a minor that sexual assault is wrong.
QUOTE #3 – 8 year old girl: “Billy smushed his face against mine, then grabbed my hair and made my head bend sideways and stuck his tongue in my mouth… His other hand was unbuttoning his own pants. To stop him, I put my hand down there, and when I touched it, I knew what it was, even though I had never touched one before.” – The Glass Castle
QUOTE #4: “I spend hours in the bathroom with a magazine…: Naked woman + right hand happy happy joy joy. …I masturbate…I’m ambidextrous. And if God hadn’t wanted us to masturbate, then God wouldn’t have given us thumbs. So I thank God for my thumbs. “ – Part Time Indian